We applaud City Hall’s efforts

The typical LED light emits a lot of blue light which is a health and safety concern. Ivins City is addressing those concerns by adding amber filters to new city-owned outdoor street lights.

Even though the new lights have LEDs with a color temperature of 3000K, which still emits a lot of blue light, our spectrometer readings shown in the graphs below found the filter eliminated almost all of the blue light. Wilson Jimenez, a City employee, came up with the idea for the amber filters and also designed and fabricated them.

In addition, the City is working with members of our Initiative to improve the city’s current outdoor lighting ordinance. Recently, we gave the City Council a series of recommendations which they have sent to their Technical Review Committee to study. From there, the recommendations will go to through the public hearing process.

In addition to adding filters to new City lights, the Mayor supports the mission of the Ivins Night Sky Initiative. Here are some comments he made at an event we sponsored recently.

And the City displays information about the Initiative and brochures about outdoor lighting issues, concerns, and opportunities.

Outdoor lighting brochures available to the public at City Hall.