Planning Ivins Future

Updating the General Plan and Protecting the Night SkyWhat is the General Plan and why is it important?
Ivins City has just begun the process of reviewing our current General Plan that was last updated in 2015. The General Plan is an essential document that lays out our shared vision and goals for the future and guides the ordinances that are written and govern the city’s development. It should include what we most value and what is worth protecting and it is really important that we all participate in developing a new Plan. Chapter Three of the current Plan outlines “The Community’s Vision” for the Future  and the fifteen goals that were important in 2015. (For more detailed information read Councilman Mike Scott’s explanation of the process) 
Protecting the Night Sky is included in our current Plan’s “Vision for the Future” and we recently experienced the importance of that designation when some members of the Planning Commission suggested deleting that protection when they were updating the Lighting Ordinance. All ordinances should follow the General Plan and that is why it is so very important for all of us who cherish our night sky to participate in the Town Hall meetings and make sure protection of our night sky continues to be one of our guiding principles.   There are five more town hall meetings scheduled to gather citizen input and although there are recommendations of specific neighborhoods attending a certain meeting, all citizens are welcome to attend any meeting (or all) that best fits their schedule The meeting will also be available by Zoom. 

Tuesday, October 11th and 25th for residents living east of 200 East  (we’re sorry if you missed the meeting on the 11th but you can still attend any of the others)
11th Zoom link
25th Zoom link

Wednesday, October 12th and 26th for residents living between 200 East and 400 West
12th Zoom link
26th Zoom link

Thursday, October 13th and 27th for residents living wwest of 400 West
13th Zoom link
27th Zoom link

Please participate in these town hall meetings and let our City Council know how important protecting the night sky is to you.

Letter of Support

In addition to people sending emails to the City Council, as of March 15th almost 1,200 Ivins residents, all adults, added their names to a Letter of Support to preserve and protect our night sky, objecting to some of the proposed changes to the Ivins Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. (Note: The list of names will be sent separately to the City Recorder.)

If you agree with the Letter of Support, please add your name (click here). A few weeks ago we had close to 600 names, but that did not impress the Planning Commission. You would think that would have been meaningful. Apparently not. So we need your help.

The map shows there is broad-based support throughout the city for the statements made in the Letter of Support.

The map understates the level of support because it makes only one plot when: (a) two or more adults live at one address, (b) when supporters list only a street name, HOA name, or neighborhood name, and (c) more people have signed since we did the map and more sign every day.

A Planning Commissioner suggested that the ordinance doesn’t matter to people living in HOAs because HOAs can have more restrictive lighting requirements. However, this broad-based support shows people are more community minded. They care about the whole community, not just their own back yard.

And any legitimate concerns about safety can be addressed in other ways, as discussed in the posts, Shedding light on crime trends in Ivins and Talking about color temperature raises everyone’s temperature.


If you agree with the Letter of Support, please add your name (click here).

I support a strong lighting ordinance that:

  • “Protect(s) the night sky by carefully regulating lighting while also promoting safety for residents” as stated in the Ivins General Plan;
  • maintains all references to “preserve, protect and enhance the night sky” in the Ordinance.

I support these proposed changes:

  • Prohibiting the use of electronic message boards;
  • lowering the max. output on lighting of our national and state flag from 6000 to 1500 lumens;
  • grandfathering existing lighting;
  • new and revised definitions and minor clean-up language.

I DO NOT support these proposed changes:

  • Increasing the color temperature to 4000K for all outdoor lights (up from 2200K for commercial properties and streetlights and 2700K for residential);
  • allowing no upper limit on color temperature as long as they are motion activated with timers;
  • eliminating the use of amber filters to lower color temperature for streetlights and commercial;

I DO NOT support ANY of the other proposed changes to the ordinance because they weaken protections for neighbors, increase the risk of glare and light trespass, are contrary to the vision and goals in the General Plan, weaken enforceability, and create ambiguity.

Here is last week’s City Council presentation

Marc Deshowitz discussed health concerns that accompany the evolution of lighting (Incandescent, HPS, LPS CFL and LED) at last Thursday’s City Council meeting. He also talked about the consequences of the use of energy efficient lighting and safety issues relating to nighttime driving and crime. 

Click here to download a PDF of the slides from Marc’s presentation. And click here to listen to Marc’s presentation (go to item 2A if you want to skip other parts of the meeting.)

Marc Deshowitz giving a presentation to the Ivins City Council about outdoor lighting issues on September 19, 2019

Marc and his wife Chrystal retired in 2008 and are currently employed by Dixie Road Scholar where they jointly lead educational excursions across the Colorado Plateau and beyond.

Marc’s interest in preserving our night sky, and background as a scientist, has led him to perform independent research on light pollution over the past ten years and he has experience in the design and implementation of light retrofitting projects in our area. He has provided presentations and advice on night sky preservation at local and state levels in both Utah and Nevada.

Copper Canyon HOA takes action

We made a presentation to the Board of the Copper Canyon Home Owners Association (HOA) on Monday. The presentation included a brief overview of our goals, activities to date, and lighting issues we are working on.

The Board expressed support for our Initiative and went further. They asked us to analyze their outdoor lighting to determine if the community is “night sky friendly” and make recommendations for modifications, if needed.

We will update this blog post when the analysis is completed.

The Copper Canyon community in Ivins has 72 homes

Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect the night skies in Ivins. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Local businesses jump in to help

Two art galleries approached us at our information table during last weekend’s Kayenta Street Painting Festival offering to help get the word out by displaying our brochures about outdoor lighting health and safety issues in their galleries. They are Datura Gallery and Gallery 873.

Tim Povlick and Lois Diehl at our information table during the Kayenta Street Painting Festival

Red Mountain Resort was already supporting our efforts with free meeting space, but the offer by the galleries got us thinking: Shouldn’t we be asking businesses in Ivins to help get our message out?

Events Committee members Lois Diehl and Tim Povlick got things started by printing out some posters and approaching businesses. In the past week alone, they along with Events Committee members Chris Haddad, Sally Tom, and board members Kai Reed and Sue Gordhammer approached other businesses that were glad to help. They are either displaying brochures and/or posters now, or will as soon as we get them printed and delivered.

Here are businesses that have agreed to help get our message out:

  • Aragosta Restaurant
  • Datura Gallery
  • IBB Cyclery & Multisport
  • Ice Box & Roundabout Grill
  • Ivins Barber Shop
  • Gallery 873
  • Kayenta Homes & Properties
  • Lightfoot’s Market
  • Mystic Canyon Light Gallery
  • Red Mountain Market
  • Sacred Space Spa
  • Troy’s Custom Body & Paint
  • Tuacahn Center for the Performing Arts
  • Xetava Gardens Cafe
  • Zia Pottery Studio

Red Mountain Resort supports our mission by providing us with conference space and audio visual equipment for events. Even the Santa Clara Library is helping by displaying a poster about our Initiative. Plus, the lobby at Ivins City Hall displays a poster about the Initiative’s work and mission along with information brochures.

If you don’t see an Ivins business listed here, it’s probably only because we haven’t asked them yet. The positive response has been overwhelming.

If you have a business in Ivins, or know someone who does, let us know if you are willing to help by displaying a poster about our Initiative and/or brochures about outdoor lighting and lighting issues, and endorsement cards.

Or, if you have a business in Ivins but you don’t have clients coming to your premises, displaying a poster or brochures isn’t practical. In that case, we would appreciate if you could let us know that you support our mission.

And, if you would like to join a tremendous group of volunteers, just send us a note from the Contact us page.

An Ivins Night Sky Initiative presentation at Red Mountain Resort’s Conference Center by Marc Deshowitz, “Preserving one of our most precious resources… the night sky.”
Cherie Stoddard showing a display of our brochures at Gallery 873
Kirk and Charity Nelson, owners of IBB Cyclery & Multisport, support our mission. Shown here: Kirk Nelson.
Outdoor lighting brochures available to the public in the lobby of City Hall.

Support Pours In From Around The Region

More than 300 people signed endorsement cards supporting the efforts of the Ivins Night Sky Initiative to protect the night sky over Ivins at the group’s two kick-off events over the past five days.

It started with a presentation at Red Mountain Resort last Wednesday by Marc Deshowitz on the impacts of light pollution and a discussion of solutions. More than 100 people attended, including Chris Hart, the Mayor of Ivins, who gave some introductory comments supporting the group’s mission.

Ivins Mayor Chris Hart speaking at our kick-off event at Red Mountain Resort

That was followed by the Initiative setting up an information table at the Kayenta Street Painting Festival this past weekend and sponsoring a professional artist, Anat Ronen, to paint her interpretation of the night sky over Ivins.

Professional artist Anat Ronen creates her interpretation of the night sky over Ivins

Most of the 300+ endorsements came from residents of Ivins, which makes sense because the Initiative is focused on that city. But the group was excited to see so many others around region showing support for the Initiative. And they want to protect their night sky too.

Nearly 100 people from St. George, Santa Clara, Hurricane, Leeds, Washington and other communities in Utah signed endorsements at these two events.

Alison Holland gets three more endorsements at the Kayenta Street Painting Festival

In addition to endorsements, these events resulted in some Home Owner Associations asking the group for information for their homeowners and inviting the group to give their members’ a similar presentation. And two businesses approached the Initiative offering to promote the group’s goals with brochures and other information at their businesses.

Cherie Stoddard’s Gallery 873 not only supports our goals, but she prominently displays our brochures in the gallery.

Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect dark skies in Ivins. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

A Professional Artist Paints The Night Sky

We set up an information table at this year’s Kayenta Street Painting Festival to tell people about our goals and share information about good outdoor lighting practices.

Our volunteers were kept busy, answering questions, explaining our goals, and getting endorsements. We haven’t counted them yet, but we received more than 150 endorsements supporting our mission.

Chris Haddad and Patty Dupre getting ready for the opening of the Festival

We also sponsored professional artist Anat Ronen to paint her interpretation of the night sky over Ivins. Watch her create an anamorphic street painting showing her interpretation of the night sky over Ivins.

The finished painting
Alison Holland watches people sign endorsement cards supporting our efforts after she explained our mission and goals
Our volunteers stayed busy all day answering questions from Festival goers.
Lois and Tim wrapped up Saturday at the Festival.

The Mayor’s Views on Outdoor Lighting

Last night more than 100 people showed up at Red Mountain Resort to hear a presentation by Marc Deshowitz, “Preserving one of our most precious resource… our night sky.” We will post excerpts from Marc’s presentation on Monday.

Ivins City Mayor, Chris Hart, kicked off last night’s event with a personal story sharing his passion for the night sky and his efforts to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins.

We would like to thank Red Mountain Resort for donating the conference room and audio/visual equipment, along with a special thanks to Lindy Larson, the Resort’s Conference Manager, for personally setting up additional chairs for us because our RSVPs exceeded our original maximum of 100 people.

Both Marc and Chris made it clear why it is important to improve, protect, and preserve the night sky over Ivins. But it took an 8 year old in the audience to show us why we need to act now.

Here is a 3 minute video of excerpts from the Mayor’s 12 minute presentation.

Preserving One of Our Most Precious Resources… Our Night Sky

Updated with information about the evening’s topics and directions.

Please join us on April 24th, from 7pm to 9pm at Red Mountain Resort for a free, fascinating presentation, “Preserving one of our most precious resources… our night sky.”

Would you like to know how you can help preserve the night sky? Then join us for this presentation on the importance of the night sky to people throughout history, and the causes, impacts, and solutions to light pollution.

Do you remember the first time you saw the Milky Way?

Did you know over 80% of the people in our country can no longer see the Milky Way from where they live?

Did you know the increased and widespread use of artificial light at night is not only impairing our view of the universe, it is adversely affecting our environment, our safety, our energy consumption and our health?

Do you want to know how you can help preserve the Ivins night sky?


  • A personal light pollution journey to the dark side
  • A dialogue about our heritage
  • What is light pollution, air pollution, sky glow, clutter…
  • Health concerns – birds, bees, trees, and people
  • Safety – home security and driving
  • The collateral impact of neighboring communities
  • What does night sky compliant lighting look like or not
  • Economic incentives
  • Some inexpensive or free solutions
  • What you can do

Please join us for this FREE, fascinating presentation on the causes, impacts, and solutions to light pollution

For more information, or to RSVP, please Contact Us

Red Mountain Resort Conference Center

The conference center is next to the Resort’s Canyon Breeze restaurant.

Featured speaker: Marc Deshowitz

Marc is a native of the Boston area. Upon completion of his undergraduate and graduate studies in Geology, he went to work in the energy sector for 30+ years.

Marc and his wife Chrystal retired in 2008 and are currently employed by Dixie Road Scholar where they jointly lead educational excursions across the Colorado Plateau and beyond.

Marc’s interest in preserving our night sky has led him to perform independent research on light pollution and he has experience in the design and implementation of light retrofitting projects in our area. He has provided presentations and advice on night sky preservation at local and state levels in both Utah and Nevada.

The Night Sky at the Kayenta Street Painting Festival

We have commissioned professional artist Anat Ronen to participate in this year’s Kayenta Street Painting Festival April 27th and 28th with a street painting showing her interpretation of the night sky over Ivins.

Anat Ronen

While Anat’s artwork will draw attention to the beauty and importance of our night sky, we will participate in the Festival with an information table to answer questions about the Initiative and share dark-sky friendly lighting information.

What can you do to help maintain our beautiful night sky?

  • Use shielded outdoor fixtures
  • Install timers and motion-sensors
  • Use lower rated bulbs
  • Use “warmer” bulbs – look for 2700k or lower on packages

Contact us to tell us you support our efforts and/or to volunteer to help improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins.