The Mayor’s Views on Outdoor Lighting

Last night more than 100 people showed up at Red Mountain Resort to hear a presentation by Marc Deshowitz, “Preserving one of our most precious resource… our night sky.” We will post excerpts from Marc’s presentation on Monday.

Ivins City Mayor, Chris Hart, kicked off last night’s event with a personal story sharing his passion for the night sky and his efforts to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins.

We would like to thank Red Mountain Resort for donating the conference room and audio/visual equipment, along with a special thanks to Lindy Larson, the Resort’s Conference Manager, for personally setting up additional chairs for us because our RSVPs exceeded our original maximum of 100 people.

Both Marc and Chris made it clear why it is important to improve, protect, and preserve the night sky over Ivins. But it took an 8 year old in the audience to show us why we need to act now.

Here is a 3 minute video of excerpts from the Mayor’s 12 minute presentation.